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Our Mommas and Dads

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Our Parents are genetically health tested to ensure health defects and disorders are not passed on to their puppies.




 Jasmine is a Bernes Mountain Dog.


 Her sweet, lovable ad caring disposition will make her a great momma and it will be passed on to her puppies.



Daisy is a F1b standard Bernedoodle.


Her calm, sweet, loyal personality embodies all of our favorite Bernedoodle traits. We look forward to using her as a momma in our program.


Zeus is the perfect match for your Bernese Mountain Dog or Bernedoodle female. He has had a beautiful litter of prefect tri-colored Bernedoodles. He also throws fantastically colorful golden doodles and labradoodles. He is Phantom and parti. He also carries brown.

Zeus is super smart and loving. He is the perfect 50 lb. lap dog. He has never met a toy that he doesn't enjoy.

Duke is CKC, 12lbs and 14 inches tall. He carries red, brown, parti, phantom, sable, brindle, and is merle. He will bring a lot of color to any Poodle, Goldendoodle, labradoodle, Aussiedoodle, and Bernedoodle litter. He has already produced beautiful and colorful litters of Micro-Mini Bernedoodles. 


Duke is super smart. He loves to be in your lap and snuggling to you. He loves everybody and has never met a stranger.



  • AKC/CKC Phantom Parti Standard Poodle 

  • Height: 25 in and Weight: 50 lbs. 

  • OFA 

  • Temperament: Gentle, loving, playful, intelligent, athletic, & eager to please! 

  • Color Traits: EmE, intermediate red pigmentation, Bb, DD, KyKy, atat, spsp, mm

  • Genetic testing, and OFA hips good and elbows normal

  • Location: Temple, Tx. 

  • Stud fee $2000.00

  • CKC Mini Poodle 

  • Height: 14 in and Weight: 12 lbs. 

  • Temperament: Gentle, loving, playful, intelligent,

  • Color Traits: Ee, intermediate red pigmentation, Bb,  KBKy, ayat, Ssp, Mm

  • Health Testing: Clear of Genetic diseases through Embark

  • Location: Temple, Tx. 

  • Stud fee $2000

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